Diaries of Helene and Paris

I had this idea to create this space for romantic artists to post poetry and beautiful music. The kind of music and poetry that it deepens the heart and takes the listener or reader to the gentle inner voice of love and wisdom. By hearing and reading the works of other artists it is hoped that more will be inspired to create in this very special way and express the inner beauty of the soul.
Why did I chose Helen and Paris as the theme lovers? It is because a flower, as Helen was such a flower for everyone, needed also to pick her mate. As her father had chosen for her Menelaus, as is told to us in the ancient story, but she chose someone, and whoever chooses has also to understand the power of the immortal spirit too! And when Jesus was asked by the lawyers, should a woman be married even in heaven? he replied she was not even bond on earth, for the Mosaic law was over and over broken, so why should it be even extended into the Heavenly?
And so we see the most brilliant light of the Teacher here expressed, and if Helene loved Paris, so how could time have bound her there to one such as Menelaus to whom she had no particular affection except that which made her a mother and wife on earth, but also dissolved as the life changed to the Heavenly. And so Paris and Helene maybe the most important of considerations for those who want to see Immortal Love and how it works. So I was inspired to follow this trail of flowers to listen to her, and read from her diaries and letters written in a secret script of stars and fiery light.