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Tazo Talks Series (Archived)

See Tazo Live for the Newest Channeled Lecture Recordings

See Also Tazo's Channeled Series

040 Cosmo Genesis V - The Creation of the World - Channeled Lectures by Tazo​ 042 World Creation of Man and Nature 043 The World's Most Loved Master 044 045 The Spiritual Legends of China Series I - II 046 Legends of the Immortals and Modern Health and Healing 047 Spiritual Legends and Stories of India 048 049 Rosicrucian Buddhism 050 The Esoteric Path of the Aetheric Christ 051 The Spiritual Work of Zarathustra and Jesus 052 The White Madonna 053 Mary Magdalene 054 The Beloved Disciple 055 The Fairy Tales of Goethe and Novalis 056 Love, Spirituality and Human Fertility 057 The Mysteries Apollo and the Muses 058 The Mysteries of Dionysus and the Goddess of Mt. Parnassus 059 In the Garden of The Hesperides 060 Artists of the Spirit, Substance Creation and Cosmic Karma 061 Cosmic Karma. Thoughts, Feelings and Destiny 062 Higher Spirituality and Artists of the Earth 063 Realms of the Gods and Poets of the Earth 064 Spirituality, Consciousness and Perspectives 065 Creation of the Soul and the Spirit in Nature 066 Christianity and the Spirit in Nature 067 068 From Psychology to Spirituality - Series I and II 069 Intuitional Psychology - The Psychology of the Artist 070 Imaginative Psychology 071 Psychology and The Search for the Male and Female Souls 072 Inspirational Psychology 073 The Development and Creation of Pure Soul 074 075 The Path of Spiritual Discipleship 076 077 The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz 078 Spiritual Illumination and Enlightenment 079 Alchemy of Man Earth and Stars 080 Spiritual Illumination and Dark Astrality 081 Secrets of the Signs of the Zodiac and the Christian Initiations 082 Immortality 083 Eternity 084 Words of the Master Jesus 085 The Christ Realm of the Spirit 086 Secrets of Gnostic Christianity – The Secret Books of James and John 087 Gnostic Christianity – The Cosmic Drama, The Sophia of Jesus Christ, Gospels of Thomas and Judas 088 The Technology of the Soul 089 The Upanishads 090 Aetheric and Astral Forces and Sense Creation 092 The Aetheric Christ in the Earth and Super Spiritual Materiality 093 104 Meditations on Solitude and Other Virtues - 24 Channeled Lectures by Tazo 095 102 Messages of the Greek Gods and Goddesses 096 The Power of Spiritual Conceptions 097 Angels and Archangels in Human Destiny 098 103 Nature Beings and Nature Spirits 105 The Great Pandemic of 2019 106 Cell Biology and World Evolution 107 Islam, Christianity and Buddhism 108 Uluru and the Triangle of Fire 110 Isis and the House of Glory 111 The Mysteries of the House of Scorpio 112 The Spirituality of Animals 113 Spiritual Nature and the Divine Feminine 114 The Spirits of the Elements 115 The Spiritual Significance of the Incarnation of Jesus 118 The Signs of the Times and the Apocalypse 119 The Esoteric Teachings for the Students of Esoteric Nature 120 The Prophecies of Queen Lilio'akolani the Last Queen of Hawaii 121 Critical Thought and the Future of Mankind 100 The Virgin Mary and the Spirit of the Future 117 The Emergence of the Self in Time
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